3 REPL CUB CADET MOWER BLADES 942-05052A 742-05052A RZT L50 S50 XT1 LT50 GT50
This set of three replacement mower blades is suitable for use with a range of Cub Cadet and MTD models, including the XT 1-GT 50, XT 1-LT 50, XT 2-LX 50, RZT-S 50, RZT-S 50KH, CYT 5023SE, and ZT-L 50 KH.
The blades are designed to replace OEM parts 742-05052, 742-05052A, 942-05052, and 942-05052A. They measure 17 17/64 inches in length, with a center hole of 6 point star and no outside holes…
Triple Blade Set for Cub Cadet RZT L50, S50, XT1, LT50, and GT50 Mowe…