The Graceful Blooms Bouquet is a premium quality artificial flower arrangement perfect for weddings, events, wreath making, craft, and home decor. The bouquet consists of 5 faux roses on a bush, with each bloom measuring 1.5 inches wide. The petals are made of polyester microfiber material that has a soft touch feel and is weatherproof, ensuring that the colors won't run when wet. The bush is 13 inches tall and the stem lengths when cut from the bush range from 5-6 inches tall. The flexible plastic coated wired stems make it easy to trim the stem to the length you need with wire cutters or angled pliers. Upon arrival, simply open and fluff to your desired liking and let your creativity flow.
5 Rose Bud Blooms per Bouquet. Wreath Making Supplies. 5 Faux Roses on a Bush. Petals are made of polyester microfiber material with a very soft touch feel! Upon arrival, simply open and fluff to your desired liking and let your creativity juices flow!
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